The New Rewards System
Last updated
The New Rewards System
Last updated
$COIN Tokenomics are as follows:
Max Supply: 100,000,000 Tokens
$COIN Launch @ 0.000075 ETH
Initial Liquidity: 200,000 COIN paired with 15 ETH
Emissions: 99,500,000 Tokens ( 20% COIN + 80% oCOIN )
Treasury: 300,000 Tokens ( 50% COIN + 50% oCOIN )
Treasury Tokens will be used for Lottery Daily Prizes and Jackpots, as well as allowing other liquidity pools of COIN derived from partnerships.
Users on V2 and V3 farms will receive their rewards as 20% $COIN + 80% $oCOIN . This has the benefit of enabling the protocol to accumulate a cash reserve regardless of market conditions, as well as letting loyal SwapBased users to buy COIN at a discount.